
The Tree Register of The British Isles

Our wonderful tree heritage is recorded within the Tree Register, a Registered Charity with a unique database of over 250,000 of our most notable trees.

The Conservation Foundation

Founded by David Bellamy and David Shreeve to provide a means for people in public, private and non-profit sectors to collaborate on environmental causes.

We launched the Yew Tree Campaign in 1986 which was the first nationwide effort to protect these ancient trees by raising awareness of their venerability and vulnerability.

Our Yews for the Millennium project successfully propagated 12,000 young trees from 42 “parent” trees, and some of the funds raised from the Millennium Yews have sponsored the Gazetteer page as well as providing an emergency fund for ancient yews.

The Yew Tree Campaign still sends out certificates to parish churches which have ancient yews in their churchyards and the Foundation`s Ancient Yew Campaign can still be contacted to lobby for the protection of endangered ancient yews.

Tree Ring Dating

Andy Moir of Tree-Ring Services is a specialist dendrochronologist with a particular interest in the yew.