Tree ID: 3020
Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m
Tree girth: 610cm
Girth height: at 120cm
Tree sex: unspecified
Date of visit: 10-Aug-08
Source of earliest mention: 2008: Steve Young
Notes:August 2008 – Steve Young: A fine woodland specimen. Hollow single trunk with branches from 1.5m. Ancient Tree Hunt 11226.
June 2014 – Peter Norton: Just South of Crawley at TQ2932133520. The male yew grows close to a public footpath that skirts Oldhouse Warren and is surrounded by sweet chestnut coppice growth that towers over the yew. It is hollowing and starting to fragment. There is also evidence of internal growth. Foliar deficiency was noted which has allowed grasses, ferns and foxglove to thrive. Minimum girth of 18′ 6” at 1′ 6” was recorded, above this height the bole starts to swell.
There is another 6m yew on the ATH records dated 2010 and numbered 68445. Extensive searching failed to find it and it seems possible that the ATH might have two records for the same tree.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
3020 | Paddockhurst Estate | Ancient 5m-7m | 610cm at 120cm - view more info |