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Compton Down-Silkstead Lane

Nearest town: Winchester

Site type: footpath/road

Access: Public

Church name: No Data

Diocese: No Data

County: Hampshire

Country: England

Grid ref: SU468252

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 1-Oct-10

Recorded by: Peter Norton

Protection & responsibility: Landowner

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 4m-5m

Notes: In 1909 Bell and Varley described the following:'a delightful ramble in early summer is to follow Silkstede Lane along to the Downs. From the head of the lane a splendid prospect opens wide before you. You can follow straight on past tumuli, and the so-called Oliver's Battery, to Winchester, or, turning right, a charming walk, fringed with splendid yews, leads to Compton and Twyford'. Parking for the escarpment yew walk can be found at SU468252 on a concrete hard standing: Google Map 51.024776,-1.333138. Parking for the yews along Silkstead Lane can be found at SU444242 on the grass verge just as you turn into the lane: Google Map 51.015891,-1.367578 A full account of the Compton Down yews can be read at http://www.ancient-yew.org/userfiles/file/compton%20downs%209%20Feb%20for%20web.pdf

Yew trees at Compton Down-Silkstead Lane:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3299 Compton Down-Silkstead Lane Ancient 4m-5m 485cm above roots - view more info