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Corhampton / Droxford Parish Boundary

Nearest town: Bishop's Waltham

Site type: boundary

Access: Private

Church name: No Data

Diocese: No Data

County: Hampshire

Country: England

Grid ref: SU5854420081

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 30-Nov-16

Recorded by: Hugo Egleston

Protection & responsibility: Landowner

Yews recorded at this site: Notable

Notes: This yew grows on the Corhampton/Droxford parish boundary. While it can be seen from both footpath and road, it is on private land. The site is adjacent to Corhampton Golf Course where many mature yews grow in a broad line along the same parish boundary. Yews are also scattered round the course, possibly on old field boundaries.

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Yew trees at Corhampton / Droxford Parish Boundary:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5325 Corhampton / Droxford Parish Boundary Notable 396cm at 120cm - view more info