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East Chiltington

Nearest town: Brighton

Site type: churchyard

Access: Public

Church name: No Data

Diocese: Chichester

County: Sussex - East

Country: England

Grid ref: TQ36981510

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 6-Jul-99

Recorded by: Tim Hills

Protection & responsibility: Conservation Area-East Sussex CC-Lewes DC

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 5m-7m

Notes: The church stands on a knoll. The earliest parts of the building are early 12th century. Daniel Wynne found this drawing in 'Off the Beaten Track in Sussex', author unknown. It is dated 1910, by A.S.C. The photo, taken 100 years later shows the shape of the crown looking remarkably similar, suggesting that the tree is regularly cut to maintain this appearance.

Site files:

Yew trees at East Chiltington:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
422 East Chiltington Ancient 5m-7m 663cm at root crown - view more info