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Nearest town: High Wycombe

Site type: churchyard

Access: Public

Church name: St Nicholas

Diocese: Oxford

County: Buckinghamshire

Country: England

Grid ref: SU75609234

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 24-Feb-01

Recorded by: Tim Hills

Protection & responsibility: Parochial Church Council

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 5m-7m

Notes: Peter Norton: The origins of the village can be traced back to the 8th century and the name derives from Ibba's Stones, later recorded in the Domesday book as Hibestanes. There has been a parish church here for over a thousand years. The church mainly dates from before the 12th century and there is evidence of ancient dwellings around the church, now found in isolation on a south facing ridge. The old village was probably deserted after the Black Death (1348) when over a third of the villagers died. The new village site is about a mile to the north. The yew grows NW of the church.

Site files:

Yew trees at Ibstone:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
524 Ibstone Ancient 5m-7m 663cm at the ground - view more info