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Kington - private location

Nearest town: Kington

Site type: garden

Access: Private

Church name: No Data

Diocese: No Data

County: Herefordshire

Country: England

Grid ref: withheld

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 18-Jun-15

Recorded by: Paul Wood

Protection & responsibility: No data

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 4m-5m

Notes: This private site is a garden in Kington and since the yews can only be accessed through the owner's garden, the precise location must remain private. Two male yews are recorded.

Image Currently Unavailable

Yew trees at Kington - private location:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4664 Kington - private location Ancient 4m-5m 488cm not recorded - view more info
4687 Kington - private location Ancient 4m-5m 411cm at 90cm - view more info