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Nearest town: Abergavenny

Site type: churchyard

Access: Public

Church name: St Peter

Diocese: Hereford

County: Herefordshire

Country: England

Grid ref: SO3661525552

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 5-Mar-17

Recorded by: Tim Hills

Protection & responsibility: No data

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 5m-7m, Notable

Notes: Only the most intrepid will reach this site. The metal bridge from the main road will only be found if following a detailed map since there is no signpost. Once over the bridge, signs inform you that this is private land. Take the right hand track which leads to a railway line that can only be crossed after telephoning for permission. The alternative was to take the stock tunnel beneath the railway. Filled on the day of my visit with several inches of water. After that the track became more rutted. The farm yard area where we parked was inches deep in mud, as was the walk across the field to the church. A motte and bailey castle site is passed en route, with a partially burnt out old yew nearby. In the churchyard is an ancient yew SE and a younger yew SW that would have once been within the churchyard, but is now in the landowner's field. The church is looked after by the Friends of Friendless Churches charity and is open to the public.

Site files:

Yew trees at Llancillo:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5042 Llancillo Ancient 5m-7m 584cm at 15cm - view more info
5043 Llancillo Notable 307cm at 50cm - view more info
5044 Llancillo Ancient 5m-7m No data available - view more info