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Oswestry - The Hayes

Nearest town: Oswestry

Site type: garden

Access: Private

Church name: No Data

Diocese: No Data

County: Shropshire

Country: England

Grid ref: SJ2807330263

Lost yew site: Yes

Date visited: 15-Mar-19

Recorded by: Tim Hills

Protection & responsibility: Owner

Yews recorded at this site: Lost, Notable

Notes: The Hayes is a Jacobean house built in a cruciform shape. North of the house, with some protection provided by a red brick wall, is a line of tall yews, aligned roughly WNW-ESE. On the Parks and Gardens website it says that 'in 1961 the garden contained a row of 21 (of an original 22) ancient yew trees, under which was a walk known as the Monk's Walk'.

Yew trees at Oswestry - The Hayes:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5492 Oswestry - The Hayes Notable No data available - view more info