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Tree ID: 4233

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 290cm

Girth height: at 60cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 29-Sep-13

Source of earliest mention: 1740: Church guide


September 2013 – Tim Hills: Most westerly of the pair, with a light covering of ivy. It has many branches above a height of about 10′. Girths of 9′ 6” (290cm) at 2′ and 9′ 3” at 3′ (282cm) were recorded.

Yew trees at Badgworth:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4233 Badgworth Notable 290cm at 60cm - view more info
4232 Badgworth Notable 272cm at 60cm - view more info