Tree ID: 277
Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+
Tree girth: 701cm
Girth height: No data
Tree sex: male
Date of visit: 26-Feb-99
Source of earliest mention: 1938: The King's England - Arthur Mee
Notes:1994 – Chetan and Brueton’s ‘The Sacred Yew’: In this book the yew is given an estimated girth of 23′.
February 1999 – Tim Hills: The hollow yew apparently fell more than 100 years ago. It is a classic example of how a fallen yew may not only remain alive, but also thrive. The area around it was being used at the time as a dump for concrete, dead flowers, a rubbish bin and compost heap.
2002: David Alderman reported the following: ‘Male tree SW of church. Split, collapsed, hollow and propped horizontally with vertical side branches from bole including 14m x 45cm dia. Impossible to measure accurately but probably 7-8m girth if upright and intact’.
July 2005 – Paul Phillips: It is intended to remove the rubbish collection point from beneath the tree and relocate it elsewhere. It will then be possible to make the tree a feature of the churchyard.
October 2009 – Ian Robert Brown: Tree appears in good health, with large amounts of new growth.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
277 | Benington | ![]() |
Ancient 7m+ | 701cm - view more info |