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Brompton Ralph

Tree ID: 3230

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 452cm

Girth height: at 90cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 23-Dec-91

Source of earliest mention: 1991: Letter to Conservation Foundation


1991: A letter to the Conservation Foundation recorded this yew as ‘not hollow, no berries so presumably male’. The letter included two measurements – 14′ 10½” at 3′ and 15′ 10½” at 4′.
2008 – Michael Edgington: The yew was recorded for the Ancient Tree Hunt, giving a girth of 510cm at a height of 90cm (16′ 9” at 3′).
June 2015 – Peter Norton: The yew grows on a small mound near to the south porch and has a tapering bole. Thick ivy cover prevented measurement. Foliage appeared a bit thin.
October 2016 – Tim Hills: Girth close to the ground over ivy was 15′ 1” (460cm).

Yew trees at Brompton Ralph:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3230 Brompton Ralph Ancient 4m-5m 452cm at 90cm - view more info