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Tree ID: 4880

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 147cm

Girth height: average girth

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 15-Mar-99

Source of earliest mention: 1866: Woolhope Naturalists Field Club Transactions


2009 – Tim Hills: We were told that the 12 yews leading to the porch were planted in the 20th century to replace an older avenue which had been badly damaged by over-exuberant trimming and had to be felled. The original avenue was written about in the 1866 Woolhope Transactions as follows: ‘A fine grove of yews leading up to the south door of Burghill church. From inquiries, he had found that these latter trees are about 150 years old. They are about the thickness of a man’s body; and he had found that fact useful in estimating the ages of other trees’.
In December 2014 I measured 10 of the 12 replacement yews; their average girth was 4′ 10”.

Yew trees at Burghill:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
311 Burghill Ancient 7m+ 739cm at 150cm - view more info
4881 Burghill Notable 330cm average girth - view more info
4880 Burghill Notable 147cm average girth - view more info