Tree ID: 2270
Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m
Tree girth: 409cm
Girth height: at 90cm
Tree sex: female
Date of visit: 2-Feb-05
Source of earliest mention: 1772: Tombstone inscription beneath tree
Notes:February 2005 – Cliff Hansford: Useful dating evidence is provided by the inscription on the tombstone benath the tree: ‘In a vault beneath the shade of this Yew tree repose the ashes of an once brave soldier and honest gentleman JOSHUA MARSHAL Esqr Who died March 24th 1772 Aged 72 He was a Father of a Vicar of this Parish’. In May 2005 one large limb had broken off as a result of heavy snowfall the previous winter. At the time the broken limb was left where it fell, supported by other branches beneath it. Girths of 13′ 5” (409cm) at 3′ and 16′ 3” (495cm) at 5′ recorded.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
2270 | Charing | Ancient 4m-5m | 409cm at 90cm - view more info |