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Chilthorne Domer

Tree ID: 5055

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 381cm

Girth height: at 85cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 14-Oct-15

Source of earliest mention: 2015: Tim Hills


October 2015 – Tim Hills: The notable yew grows north of the church on the west side of the churchyard. Broken stones and plastic sacks had been left under the tree. What looked like a metal ladder rung is embedded in the tree – it has been in situ for decades. Bulging of the bole begins above a height of about 5′. Girths recorded were as follows: 13′ 8” (417cm) at 1′, but this will include some of the bulging root; 12′ 6” (381cm) at 2′ 6”, the height of the embedded metal; 12′ 5¼” (379cm) at 4′.

Yew trees at Chilthorne Domer:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5055 Chilthorne Domer Notable 381cm at 85cm - view more info