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Tree ID: 4640

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 495cm

Girth height: at the ground

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 27-Apr-15

Source of earliest mention: 1995: Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust


April 2015 – Tim Hills: This tree was not noted in the 2000 visit, probably hidden behind a large tree (not yew) which has been recently felled. It is further north than the large fragmented tree, almost on the churchyard perimeter. It has a gnarled bole, a result of the removal of much low growth. On of its large upright stems is of dead sapwood; this is being used as scaffolding for new growth. Girth was 16′ 3” (485cm) at the ground, but has been larger girthed before the loss of some of its north side.

Yew trees at Churchstoke:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
358 Churchstoke Ancient 5m-7m 589cm at the ground - view more info
4640 Churchstoke Ancient 4m-5m 495cm at the ground - view more info
4639 Churchstoke Notable 348cm at 5cm - view more info