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Tree ID: 5400

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 810cm

Girth height: not recorded

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 12-Jun-19

Source of earliest mention: Wim Peeters


The ancient male yew is now a half shell, with a 2nd small fragment at the entrance to its vast hollow that has been reduced to a single very straight branch. The stone table and chairs, probably well intentioned, are completely out of place. They were presumably put in situ before the small fragment began to lean. The girth of 26′ 7” (810cm) includes the smaller fragment at the height of the top of the stone chair. The large fragment on its own had a girth of about 25′. It would not be possible to reproduce these measurements.

Yew trees at Coulonces:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5400 Coulonces Ancient 7m+ 810cm not recorded - view more info
5393 Coulonces Notable 366cm not recorded - view more info