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Tree ID: 1399

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 516cm

Girth height: not recorded

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 19-Jan-03

Source of earliest mention: 1941: The King's England - Arthur Mee


January 2003 – Tim Hills: A fluted bole, with signs of hollowing. Girth of about 17′ retained for a height of 10’/12′.
2008 – Simon Caldwell for the Ancient Tree Hunt: The tree was verified – number 11463 – with a girth of 550cm at 80cm recorded.
July 2014 – Peter Norton: The yew grows west of the tower and tight against the west perimeter wall. A girth of 16′ 11” (516cm) was recorded, measuring at the height from the top of the soil (close to the wall) with the tape at 90 deg to the bole (approx. 2′ from the yew’s east side).

Yew trees at Dunkerton:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
1399 Dunkerton Ancient 5m-7m 516cm not recorded - view more info