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Tree ID: 420

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 737cm

Girth height: at 45cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 20-Dec-98

Source of earliest mention: 1904: Cox's Little Guide


December 1998 – Tim Hills: South side of the church and at the edge of a steep drop to the road below. Of striking appearance with fluted bole and branches. Hollow, with signs of fire/smoke damage. Girth 23′ 7” (719cm) at 1′ and 24′ 9″ (754cm) at 5′ (avoiding bulges).
November 2002 – Russell Cleaver: A fine large female tree, 24′ 9” (7.54m at 1.1m) girth. Internal root.
2010 – Peter Norton: Three yews are found in the churchyard; two females grow outside the porch with the largest measuring just 8′ 10” at 1′. The large male I measured at 1′ 6” just above a protrusion at the root crown. There is a nail hammered into the tree at this height so I think someone else has made a ‘benchmark’. I recorded 24′ 2” (737cm) at 1′ 6” and above this height there is quite some swelling to the trunk. A large internal stem can easily be seen but if you look inside the trunk from both the large split and a smaller split on the opposite side then at least five stems are evident and there could be more.

Yew trees at Durley:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
420 Durley Ancient 7m+ 737cm at 45cm - view more info