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Tree ID: 2788

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 361cm

Girth height: not recorded

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 4-Jun-11

Source of earliest mention: 2000: Lin Carter


June 2011 – Peter Norton: Two yews grow here, the first NE of the church at 51.368003,-0.86233. Its trunk is hollow and it has been pollarded at a height of about 5′. A large metal band encircles the tree. Inside the hollow grows thick stemmed ivy.
A second tree of similar girth (11′ 2” at 2′ and 11′ 8” at 3′) is female and grows SE of the church at 51.367731,-0.862191. The west facing side of the tree has a large area of rotting wood which has also been damaged by fire. It is seen in photos 3, 4 and 5.

Yew trees at Finchampstead:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
2788 Finchampstead Notable 361cm not recorded - view more info