Hampshire-private location 1

Tree ID: 2392

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 528cm

Girth height: at 15cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 28-Jan-07

Source of earliest mention: 2006: Correspondence with owner


An internal stem now appears on the outside of this tree. It can be clearly seen in the second photo. It provides evidence that this yew has been larger.

Yew trees at Hampshire-private location 1:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
2314 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 7m+ 724cm at the ground - view more info
2395 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 5m-7m 594cm at 5cm - view more info
2391 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 5m-7m 561cm at 45cm - view more info
2392 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 5m-7m 528cm at 15cm - view more info
2398 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 4m-5m 457cm at 45cm - view more info
2402 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 4m-5m 442cm at 5cm - view more info
2397 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 4m-5m 417cm at 45cm - view more info
2390 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 4m-5m 417cm at 30cm - view more info
2394 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 4m-5m 409cm at 30cm - view more info
2399 Hampshire-private location 1 Ancient 4m-5m 404cm - view more info