Tree ID: 507
Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+
Tree girth: 968cm
Girth height: at 5cm
Tree sex: male
Date of visit: 7-Jul-99
Source of earliest mention: 1855: Hastings, past and present - Mary Howard
Notes:1835: 218cm diameter (Gentleman’s magazine)
1855: 22 feet 6 inches in circumference at 3′ from the ground (Hastings Past and Present)
1894: 30′ at 3′ (Lowe)
1997: 243cm diameter @1.1m and a height of 12m – Owen Johnson (The Sussex Tree Book).
July 1999 – Tim Hills: The bole is hidden behind dense twiggy growth and elder. I recorded a girth of 31′ 9” close to the ground.
Tree ID | Location | Photo | Yews recorded | Girth |
507 | Herstmonceaux | Ancient 7m+ | 968cm at 5cm - view more info |