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Hopton Wafers

Tree ID: 3055

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 518cm

Girth height: not recorded

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 30-Aug-09

Source of earliest mention: 1899: Nooks and Corners of Shropshire by H.Thornhill Timmins


August 2009 – Tim Hills: Half of the tree grows in the churchyard, while the other half grows on a small triangle of land that borders the churchyard, a road and a field. I was informed that this belongs to Hopton Court. The triangle of land is about 3′ below the churchyard level and from here it was possible to see that a 4′ section of its trunk is of dead sapwood, with a foot wide slither of new growth. Some of the tree’s roots run parallel to the bank. At the base of the tree were piles of small branches drying out. This is a healthy yew with thick foliage. Girth of about 17′ recorded.
Paul Wood – February 2018: I found the yew totally overgrown on both sides of the fence. On the churchyard side were piles of churchyard rubbish, as well as concrete and fence posts.

Yew trees at Hopton Wafers:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3055 Hopton Wafers Ancient 5m-7m 518cm not recorded - view more info