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Horsted Keynes

Tree ID: 3630

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 396cm

Girth height: at 120cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 14-Oct-11

Source of earliest mention: 2005: Bryan Hale


The yew retains its girth for a considerable height, giving it an appearance of great strength and solidity. New wood flows around removed branches, and there are no living branches until a height of about 10ft. These branches dip all around the tree but have been sawn off several feet above the ground. The 4th photo shows where birds have narrowed the entrance to a hollow space inside the tree.

Yew trees at Horsted Keynes:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3630 Horsted Keynes Notable 396cm at 120cm - view more info