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House of Dun - Montrose

Tree ID: 2603

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: No data

Source of earliest mention: 2007: Visit Scotland web site


I was alerted to this site by the story of a knight who was ‘pierced by a sword to the yew tree’ on his return from the Far East. The most recent landscape survey shows two yew trees on the estate in good condition, aged around 240 yrs. This would suggest they were planted around 30 yrs after the main house as it stands today was constructed.

Image Currently Unavailable

Yew trees at House of Dun - Montrose:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
2603 House of Dun - Montrose Images Currently Unavailable Notable No data available - view more info