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Tree ID: 5062

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 381cm

Girth height: at 30cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 14-Oct-15

Source of earliest mention: 2015: Tim Hills


October 2015 – Tim Hills: Because of its proximity to the church, the yew’s branches have been systematically removed, creating a striking tree with many upright branches. Lateral branches start above a height of about 8′. Ivy at the time of the visit was thin. To avoid twigs its girth was measured between 1′ and 1′ 6” and 12′ 6” (381cm) was recorded.

Yew trees at Ilchester:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5062 Ilchester Notable 381cm at 30cm - view more info