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Tree ID: 3566

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 760cm

Girth height: at 130cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 5-Apr-12

Source of earliest mention: 1843: Annuaire de lÂ’Orne


Photographs by Han van Meegeren show a hollowed out tree with a large internal stem in a position that suggests the tree has been larger still.
Tim Hills: It is suggested that the tree was planted in 1400, making it 613 years old. This is perhaps to understate its likely age.
In 2015 Wim Peeters has uncovered the following information in Annuaire de l’Orne of 1843: ‘In the cemetery towers a yew tree that is well known in the whole country; it has a circumference of more as 7 metres at 1 metre above the ground’.

Yew trees at Lalacelle:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3566 Lalacelle Ancient 7m+ 760cm at 130cm - view more info