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Tree ID: 4426

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 488cm

Girth height: at base

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 13-Jun-14

Source of earliest mention: 1860: Carmarthen and its neighbourhood- William Spurrell


2014: Tree 10 on the plan. Triple trunked and leaning towards the SSW. The longest of these branches grows parallel to the ground for about 15 metres. At its lowest point it is only 3′ 8” above the ground.

Yew trees at Llangunnor:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
145 Llangunnor Ancient 5m-7m 544cm at the ground - view more info
4426 Llangunnor Ancient 4m-5m 488cm at base - view more info
147 Llangunnor Ancient 4m-5m 450cm at the ground - view more info
4427 Llangunnor Ancient 4m-5m 427cm above root - view more info
146 Llangunnor Ancient 4m-5m 409cm at 10cm - view more info