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Tree ID: 582

Yews recorded: Lost

Tree girth: 570cm

Girth height: at the ground

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 8-Apr-98

Source of earliest mention: 1903: North Staffordshire Field Club excursion


1983 – Reg Wheeler recorded the tree as follows: 570cm (18′ 8”) at the ground. Three stems a – 237cm; b – 229cm; c – 284cm.
April 1998 – Tim Hills: SW of the church. Three large branches from a short bole. The first photo shows a dead branch, the other two are very much alive and covered in thick foliage. The photo also shows a churchyard that has become overgrown.
April 2008 – Tim Hills: At some time during the last 10 years it was considered necessary to remove the dead branch. While that was not surprising, it would be interesting to know why the two living branches were also removed. It is another sad loss of one of Wales’s ancient churchyard yews.

Yew trees at Maentwrog:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
582 Maentwrog Lost 570cm at the ground - view more info
583 Maentwrog Ancient 5m-7m 562cm at 90cm - view more info
581 Maentwrog Ancient 5m-7m 515cm at the ground - view more info