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Tree ID: 2119

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 744cm

Girth height: at narrowest

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 23-Nov-05

Source of earliest mention: 1849: A Topographical Dictionary of Wales


In 1984 Reg Wheeler measured the yew and recorded a girth of 733cm (24′ 1”) at 40cm.
November 2005 – Tim Hills: On raised ground close to the lych gate, SW of the church. Two large pieces of stump remain from the original tree. Attached to these are two branches, large enough to suggest that it was cut back a very long time ago. It has made a good recovery. Girth 24′ 5” (744cm) between 1′ and 2′.

Yew trees at Manafon:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
2119 Manafon Ancient 7m+ 744cm at narrowest - view more info
2120 Manafon Ancient 5m-7m 630cm at base of tree - view more info