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Moreton Jeffries

Tree ID: 492

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 345cm

Girth height: at 90cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 21-Aug-05

Source of earliest mention: 1938: The King's England - Arthur Mee


2005 – Tim Hills: Ivy had been removed from this yew, whose branches have been allowed to dip to the ground. The tree bulges considerably at a height of 3′ to 4′.
2017 – Paul Wood: The yew grows 15m south of the church’s south porch. Although the yew only has a girth of 11′ 4” (3.45m) at 3′ (91cm) its girth at a height of 8′ would be considerably more. The yew is hollowing in a number of places and white wood is visible throughout the tree. Although it is of squat appearance it has a large and sprawling canopy that in places almost touches the ground. The tree looked almost silver in colour from the thickest covering of lichen I have ever seen on a tree. In addition two very young but tall yews grow west of this tree.

Yew trees at Moreton Jeffries:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
492 Moreton Jeffries Notable 345cm at 90cm - view more info