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Tree ID: 655

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 1072cm

Girth height: at root crown

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 9-Jun-99

Source of earliest mention: 1888: North Staffordshire Field Club meeting


June 1999 – Tim Hills: The containing wall is breaking up as the tree continues to expand. This massive specimen is in excellent condition. Girth close to the ground is approximately 33′.
August 2011: Concern was expressed about the state of the tree, in particular the thinness of its foliage. James Heap (tree surgeon) said that while it looked a bit thin, he did not consider that the tree was ‘going down hill fast’. He thought the problem was likely to be a combination of the bad winter and current dry weather. His advice was to keep watering it and pull up any elder saplings that appeared around the base of the tree.
September 2013: The tree appeared to be recovering.
September 2016 – Paul Wood: The ancient yew looked in superb condition. Recent fears for its health have not come to pass and it looked amazing for such a big tree. It was measured with difficulty at the top of the roots, where a girth of 35′ 2” (1072cm) was recorded. Foliage throughout was abundant and deep green. There was a little ivy encroaching on the east side but this could be easily removed. The people of Norbury should be applauded for reinvigorating this fine specimen.

Yew trees at Norbury:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
655 Norbury Ancient 7m+ 1072cm at root crown - view more info