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Norton Canon - Hyatt Sarnesfield Farm

Tree ID: 4844

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 16-Feb-16

Source of earliest mention: 2016: Paul Wood


The yew grows in the hedge on the north side half way along the drive to the farm. The whole hedge this side of the drive has well established lengths of yew that appear to have been in-filled in more recent times with hawthorn and hazel. The tree was unmeasurable through dense twiggy growth down to ground level. Through this it was possible to see a solid bole rising to about 6′ with a small amount of dying wood and a few small holes. I estimated a girth of 15′ to 17′ . Recent bad weather had broken a limb from the drive side of the tree.

Yew trees at Norton Canon - Hyatt Sarnesfield Farm:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4844 Norton Canon - Hyatt Sarnesfield Farm Notable No data available - view more info