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Tree ID: 677

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 549cm

Girth height: at 30cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 9-Jan-00

Source of earliest mention: 1986: Churchyard yews of Gwent - J.Daryll Evans


1986 – J.Daryll Evans: Measured for The Churchyard Yews of Gwent and a girth of 550 cm (18′) at 1m recorded.
January 2000 – Tim Hills: Pen-y-clawdd’s largest yew is found west of the church. From its bole develops a large upright branch, while another grows towards the church. It was ivy clad throughout, but I was able to recorded a girth of approximately 18′ (549cm) at 1′.
Growing only 2m from this tree, just above the road, is a smaller hollow male, and to the SE a male measuring 12′ 8″ (386cm) at the base before bulging outwards. There were a further 5 perimeter yews.
March 2016 – Peter Norton: Eight yews here with three on the east perimeter (2 male, 1 female) and five on the west perimeter (4 female, 1 male). The largest girthed tree is the male growing opposite the tower, measuring 18′ 3” (556cm) at about 2′.

Yew trees at Pen-y-clawdd:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
677 Pen-y-clawdd Ancient 5m-7m 549cm at 30cm - view more info