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Tree ID: 5252

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 424cm

Girth height: at root crown

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 1-Nov-17

Source of earliest mention: 2017: Peter Norton


The yew grows near to the east wall of the church, on a substantial mound. It is male, with a fine fluted bole and a healthy vibrant crown. Its minimum girth of 13′ 11” (424cm) was measured at the root crown, rising to 14′ 6” (442cm) closer to the first side limb.

Yew trees at Peterston-super-Ely:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5252 Peterston-super-Ely Ancient 4m-5m 424cm at root crown - view more info