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Tree ID: 694

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 475cm

Girth height: at 60cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 21-Nov-99

Source of earliest mention: 1724: Planting date in parish register (1897- John Lowe)


In 1897 it had a recorded girth of 13′ at 1′ and 11′ at 3′.
November 1999 – Tim Hills: The yew has a fine fluted bole. I recorded 15′ 8” (478cm) at 1′ and 16′ 4” (498cm) at 3′.
2014 – Peter Norton: Girth of 15′ 7” (475cm) at 2′, a height where a nail had been hammered into the tree.
2015 – Tim Hills: Girths as follows: 15′ 7” (475cm) at 2′; 15′ 8¾” (479cm) at 3′; 16′ 1½” (492cm) at 4′.

Yew trees at Puckington:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
694 Puckington Ancient 4m-5m 475cm at 60cm - view more info