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Tree ID: 5532

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 360cm

Girth height: at 90cm

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 10-Jun-19

Source of earliest mention: 2019: Tim Hills


Although of small girth, the yew is a hollow shell with a large opening. Part of this is dead and when it has decayed the opening will be larger still. Inside are two linked internal stems. Girth was 11′ 9½” (360cm) at 3′.
With a girth of under 4m the tree is presently classified as notable. Because it displays veteran characteristics it will in the future be classified as V-con (veteran on account of its condition).

Yew trees at Rots:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5532 Rots Notable 360cm at 90cm - view more info