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Sarnesfield - A480

Tree ID: 4843

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 536cm

Girth height: at the base

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 4-Feb-16

Source of earliest mention: 2016: Paul Wood


The tree was taped at the base, at ground level just above the root crown. At this time of year the weeds had died back and 17′ 7” (5.36m) is an accurate representation of girth. There is a small hollow at ground level on the south side of the tree and some rot in various places but no whole branches or large sections of the tree were affected. A large fungus observed high in the tree shows that internal rot is taking place. The tree has taken a battering from the wind and rain of the last couple of months but for an exposed tree it stands remarkably steadfast.

Yew trees at Sarnesfield - A480:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4843 Sarnesfield - A480 Ancient 5m-7m 536cm at the base - view more info