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Ston Easton

Tree ID: 748

Yews recorded: Ancient 5m-7m

Tree girth: 638cm

Girth height: at 60cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 1-Oct-97

Source of earliest mention: 1791: Collinson/Rack - History of Somerset


October 1997 – Tim Hills: Grows on a small mound and has spread outwards at the base to provide greater support. At the time of my visits its hollow spaces were untidy with pieces of concrete and dead grass. Girth at its narrowest, just above the spreading base was 20′ 6″ (625cm).
July 2014 – Peter Norton: The large male yew grows close to the south porch. It has two basal cavities which allow the internal stems to be viewed. One of the main leaders is also hollow and has lost some of the outer lower shell. A girth of 20′ 11” (638cm) was recorded at about 2′ where there is a natural waist line. There are a further four yews on the north perimeter and four along the south perimeter.

Yew trees at Ston Easton:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
748 Ston Easton Ancient 5m-7m 638cm at 60cm - view more info
749 Ston Easton Lost No data available - view more info