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Winterborne Whitechurch

Tree ID: 3701

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: No data

Girth height: not measured

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 7-Apr-15

Source of earliest mention: 1895: Kelly's Directory


April 2015 – Peter Norton: Six yews form an avenue from the churchyard east entrance to the south facing porch. The six are seen here as follows:
On the north side (1) female 13′ 6” (2) female 9′ 10” (3) male 12′ 2”.
On the south side (1) female 10′ 7” (2) male 11′ 2” (3) female 7′ 10”.
Tim Hills: The following information is found (I am told) in the church guide book. The six majestic yew trees bordering the church path ‘were planted between 1768 and 1875’. It is likely that the largest five trees were planted in 1768, while the yew with a girth of 7′ 10” was planted in 1875 as a memorial to someone who is buried nearby.

Yew trees at Winterborne Whitechurch:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3701 Winterborne Whitechurch Notable No data available - view more info