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Winterbourne Dauntsey

Tree ID: 854

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 493cm

Girth height: at 90cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 15-Mar-00

Source of earliest mention: 2000: Andy McGeeney


March 2000 – Tim Hills: The tree is on the north side of where the church once stood. It has a fluted red/grey bark. It appears as if part of the crown had been removed, to be replaced by vigorous new growth.
Girth recorded as follows: 15′ 2″ (462cm) at 1′; 15′ 4″ (467cm) at 3′; 16′ 0” (488cm) at 5′.
March 2016 – Peter Norton: The old church at Winterbourne Dauntsey, dedicated to St Edward, was consecrated in 1326. In 1867 it was considered unsafe, beyond repair and demolished. The grounds were restored as part of a project to celebrate the millennium and are now known as St Edward’s Wildlife Refuge. The male yew grows to the north of where the church once stood. It is a fine example, with a fluted bole, a main central stem and no obvious signs of hollowing.
The following girths were recorded: 15′ 10” (483cm) at 18”, 15′ 10” (483cm) at 2′ and 16′ 2” (493cm) at 3′.

Yew trees at Winterbourne Dauntsey:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
854 Winterbourne Dauntsey Ancient 4m-5m 493cm at 90cm - view more info