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Tree ID: 3409

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 419cm

Girth height: at 75cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 19-Jun-11

Source of earliest mention: 1997: TROBI


Two yews grow close to and northwest of the church. The largest at Google map 50.823211,-0.607671 is female, separated into two parts. Internal viewing shows a fine stem measuring 6” in diameter.
Girths recorded were 13′ 9” (419cm) at 2′ 6”, 14′ 2” (432cm) at 2′ and 13′ 10” (422cm) at 3′.
The second tree is at Google map 50.823207,-0.60788. It is male and girthed 12′ 0” (366cm) at 1′ and 11′ 10” (361cm) at 2′.

Yew trees at Yapton:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
3409 Yapton Ancient 4m-5m 419cm at 75cm - view more info