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Tree ID: 5079

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 378cm

Girth height: at root crown

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 2-Jun-16

Source of earliest mention: 1836: History and Antiquities of Somerset


June 2016 – Tim Hills: The history and antiquities of Somersetshire by William Phelps 1836 described ‘a fine yew-tree’ in the churchyard. The description would have been for a tree aged about 130 at that time. It grows on raised ground on the south side, but with spreading roots on the north side. Measured at the root crown its girth was 12′ 5” (378cm). At a height of 4’/5′ is a platform with a central stem and many branches rising from the edge. Stones were piled against the east side of the trunk. There was some interesting internal growth in one of the sawn off branches.

Yew trees at Yarlington:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5079 Yarlington Notable 378cm at root crown - view more info