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Stoughton Down

Nearest town: Chichester

Site type: woodland

Access: Public

Church name: No Data

Diocese: No Data

County: Sussex - West

Country: England

Grid ref: SU8214313151

Lost yew site: No

Date visited: 1-Nov-13

Recorded by: Peter Norton

Protection & responsibility: Forestry Commission

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 4m-5m, Ancient 5m-7m

Notes: The Forestry Commission's Stoughton Downs Forest, near Chichester, lies within the South Downs National Park and covers an area of 191 hectares. This downland is comprised of thin calcareous soils overlying chalk, embedded with flint. In many areas the soil and chalk have washed away leaving some exposed flint. The areas of yew have been designated as SSSIs. Stoughton also abuts the Kingley Vale National Nature Reserve, also an SSSI. The yews grow mainly on the northwest facing slopes of Lambdown Hill, with the larger girthed trees towards the lower reaches and the younger yew spreading up the steep hillsides. The largest six are recorded here.

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Yew trees at Stoughton Down:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4246 Stoughton Down Ancient 5m-7m 536cm at root crown - view more info
4247 Stoughton Down Ancient 5m-7m 500cm at root crown - view more info
4251 Stoughton Down Ancient 4m-5m 495cm at 15cm - view more info
4250 Stoughton Down Ancient 4m-5m 488cm at the ground - view more info
4248 Stoughton Down Ancient 4m-5m 460cm at root crown - view more info
4249 Stoughton Down Ancient 4m-5m 457cm at the ground - view more info