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Tree ID: 2290

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 426cm

Girth height: No data

Tree sex: unspecified

Date of visit: 5-Aug-98

Source of earliest mention: 1775: Rev Sir John Cullum -Suffolk Record Office


2006 Tim Hills: Yew 10 was once a triple stemmed female yew. One of these has been removed, leaving a stump. Girth was approximately 14′. In 2017 Paul Wood recorded a girth of about 16′ through considerable undergrowth.

Yew trees at Llanspyddid:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
185 Llanspyddid Ancient 7m+ 838cm at 5cm - view more info
2291 Llanspyddid Ancient 5m-7m 574cm - view more info
2292 Llanspyddid Ancient 4m-5m 426cm - view more info
2290 Llanspyddid Ancient 4m-5m 426cm - view more info
2293 Llanspyddid Lost 396cm - view more info
5231 Llanspyddid Lost No data available - view more info
5230 Llanspyddid Lost No data available - view more info
5229 Llanspyddid Notable No data available - view more info