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Tree ID: 3609

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 363cm

Girth height: at 30cm

Tree sex: male

Date of visit: 2-Mar-02

Source of earliest mention: 1946: The Churchyard Yew and Immortality-Cornish


March 2002 – Tim Hills: No 4 on the plan is a thick columnar tree retaining its girth to about 18′, at which height it has been cut off. The side facing the path appeared dead, but there was much new growth on the other sections of the tree. Girth was 11′ 4” ((345cm) at 4′.
2011 – Peter Norton: Girths of 11′ 11” (363cm) at 1′ and 11′ 7” ((353cm) at 2′. The tree is seen at the front right in the photograph.

Yew trees at Sapperton:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
993 Sapperton Ancient 4m-5m 455cm at 90cm - view more info
3607 Sapperton Notable 394cm at root crown - view more info
3609 Sapperton Notable 363cm at 30cm - view more info
3606 Sapperton Notable 320cm at root crown - view more info
3610 Sapperton Notable 269cm at 30cm - view more info
3608 Sapperton Notable 246cm at 60cm - view more info