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Little Chart

Nearest town: Ashford

Site type: churchyard

Access: Public

Church name: unrecorded

Diocese: Canterbury

County: Kent

Country: England

Grid ref: TQ93604666

Lost yew site: Yes

Date visited: 1-Jan-99

Recorded by: Tim Hills

Protection & responsibility: No data

Yews recorded at this site: Ancient 5m-7m, Lost

Notes: The church was destroyed in the 2nd World War. It is known that there were 'two fine yews' in 1814 [An Historical, Topographical and Descriptive Account of the Weald of Kent by T.D.W.Dearn]. Only one has survived to the present day.

Site files:

Image Currently Unavailable

Yew trees at Little Chart:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
4190 Little Chart Images Currently Unavailable Lost No data available - view more info
567 Little Chart Ancient 5m-7m No data available - view more info